Pre-kindergarten Program
Bound Brook Public Schools offers free, full-day preschool for Bound Brook residents. Our Pre-K program serves both 3-year-old and 4-year-old students, with classes operating on a full-day schedule in alignment with the Bound Brook Public Schools calendar. Preschool classes are held at LaMonte School and LaMonte Annex.
Eligibility is based on a child’s age as of October 1st of the school year. Students must be 3 or 4 years old on or before October 1st to enroll in the program. All students MUST reside in Bound Brook, NJ to maintain enrollment in our program.
Any student who is enrolled as a 3-year-old will automatically roll over into the 4-year-old program the following year, pending residency verification.
Please use the links below to view the student manuals:
Registration Requirements
Please visit the Genesis Registration Portal to begin the pre-registration process for Pre-K through 12th grade.
- Step 1: Go to
- Step 2: Click the Registration tab.
- Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link:
- Step 4: Security page will appear, please complete this step.
- Step 5: Please complete all 5 tabs.
Pre-K Registration Checklist
Please be prepared with the following documents at the time of your appointment. Failure to present the following documentation may result in a delay in enrollment, attendance, or proper placement of the student.
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- Child’s Immunization Records
- Child’s Most Current Physical
- Proof of Residency (Bring the following such as: property tax bill, mortgage statement, copy of executed deed, copy of lease, affidavits of domicile, or other)
- 2 Current Utility Bills
- Student Transcript/Report Card
*If your child turns 3 or 4 years old on or before October 1, he/she is eligible to be enrolled in the pre-kindergarten program.
**If your child turns 5 years old on or before October 1, he/she is eligible to be enrolled in the kindergarten program.
***If your child already attends Pre-K, you do not need to register them for Kindergarten. They will be automatically registered.
****A lottery system will be used if the number of students exceeds the number of spots available.
Marisol Reda, Registrar
- 732-652-7963
Luisa Castrillon, Assistant Registrar
- 732-652-7950
Vision Statement
In the Bound Brook Preschool program, we aim to provide all of our students with a safe, inclusive and nurturing environment. We foster the wide range of abilities and skills that students need to become an active member of the community. We strive to reach all of our students through play and discovery, academic activities, interacting with adults and peers, and family involvement. We make every effort to meet the individual needs of each and every student that enters our classroom doors.
Bound Brook Preschool Curriculum - Connect 4 Learning
The Bound Brook Preschool implements Kaplan’s Connect4Learning (C4L) curriculum, a NJDOE state-approved comprehensive program aligned with the New Jersey Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards. C4L is a research-based, interdisciplinary curriculum rooted in literacy, mathematics, science, and social-emotional learning.
The curriculum is carefully designed to promote children’s cognitive development through developmentally appropriate and engaging lessons and activities. C4L incorporates project-based learning and high-interest learning centers that extend children’s understanding in key areas such as social-emotional skills, science, literacy, and mathematics.
The overall goal is to help children develop big ideas, essential knowledge, and foundational skills in these areas, setting the stage for future learning and success. See the following links to learn more:
- Connect4Learning Parent Information – English
- Connect4Learning Parent Information – Español
- Connect4Learning Units of Instruction
- Pre-Kindergarten Brochure – English + Español
- Preschool Program Presentation
Project Child Find
Project Child Find is a free referral service and public awareness campaign to assist in the identification of children and youth with a delay or disability from birth through twenty-one years of age. For more information, please see the appropriate link below.
You can also call New Jersey Project Child Find at 1-800-322-8174. For additional information about the New Jersey Project Child Find please see the following:
New Jersey Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers (Birth Through Age Three)
Parents or guardians who are concerned that your infant or toddler is delayed in reaching developmental milestones, you may want to consider an evaluation through New Jersey Early Intervention services. For information about an evaluation and services that could support your child, call 888-653-4463. The call is toll-free for New Jersey residents. For additional information about New Jersey’s Early Intervention services, click here.
If you need additional information about developmental milestones for infants and toddlers please see the following:
Early Childhood Advisory Committee (ECAC)
The Early Childhood Advisory Committee (ECAC) is responsible for reviewing the implementation of preschool programs and strengthening relationships between families, schools, community stakeholders, and health agencies. The ECAC actively participates in assessing community needs, resources, and facilities to support the delivery of high-quality preschool services.
The ECAC also plays a key role in ensuring smooth transitions—both into the preschool program and from preschool into kindergarten. We encourage equal parental representation from each PreK location within the district to ensure diverse perspectives and meaningful collaboration.
Participation in this committee is voluntary but essential in fostering the growth and success of all preschoolers in our district.
Interested in joining the Early Childhood Advisory Committee? Please email Dr. Hipolita Sicagnano-Hernandez, at
Contact Us
Dr. Hipolita Hernandez-Sicignano
- (732) 652-7960, ext 4935
- Email:
Ms. Brittany Nilsen
Supervisor of Early Childhood Education
- (732) 652-7960, ext 4949
- Email: