Upcoming Events
Pre-School Registration – 2/27 Info Session
Please join us to learn more about Bound Brook School District's preschool programs and how to register your child! The informational session will take place February 27 from 5 to 5:30 p.m. at LaMonte's Gymnasium. See details below: Pre-School Registration Flyer...
2024-25 Welcome Back Letter for Parents
LaMonte and the Annex School are excited to welcome back our students for a new school year! To ensure you are most prepared, please review important reminders and the information below regarding the 2024-2025 school year: Welcome Back Letter for Parents (English)...
2024-25 LaMonte Supply Lists (Pre-K, K, 1st Grade)
For LaMonte/LaMonte Annex Elementary School, please see below to view/download the suggested Pre-School, Kindergarten and First Grade supply lists for the 2024-25 school year: Pre-School Kindergarten First Grade
Red Ribbon Week 2023
Red Ribbon Week takes place October 23-27. The campaign slogan is: Be Kind to your mind, Live Drug Free Please view this flyer for more information: Red ribbon week 2023 October 23-27 (1) (1)
Somerset County Youth Resource Fair
Somerset Cty Resource Fair 10.6.23
SOS/Mental Health Surveys Letter
Dear Parents/Caregivers, Please see the attached letter and information from the school counseling department. Thank you.  Estimados padres y guardianes,  Por favor consulte la carta adjunta y la información del departamento de consejerÃa escolar.  Gracias. ...
Bound Brook Community Clean Up Event
Make Bound Brook a better place! Register to help clean up the community. See the flyer for details & to register!
Free and Reduced-Price Lunch Letter 2023
The Bound Brook School District would like to remind parents about our free/reduced-price meal program. If your child received free or reduced price meals during the 2022-2023 school year, this status will only carry over until September 30, 2023, OR until a new...
Bound Brook’s Before & After School Enrichment Program – Register today!
Registration is now open for Bound Brook School District's Before & After School Enrichment program for grades Pre-K(4)-8. The program will begin on the first day of school, Thurs. September 7th, and will run throughout the entire school year. Make sure to secure...
LaMonte & LaMonte Annex Open House Dates 2023-24
LaMonte/LaMonte Annex Elementary Schools will host several events during Back to School season to welcome students and parents back for a new school year! Please see below to view important upcoming dates: Kindergarten Open House - Wednesday/Miercoles August 30 at...
Family Literacy Project creates community; builds confidence
The academic success of students often hinges on a partnership between educators and families. Both components working together has been essential. LaMonte/LaMonte Annex Elementary School began the Family Literacy Project in 2017 to encourage reading at home among...
Bound for Success
Learn about LaMonte/LaMonte Annex Elementary School’s free, full-day pre-kindergarten program for students starting at three years old.